Soul Meh Dai

My first encounter with a Soul Meh Dai was way back in June 2016. We had a beautiful blue one visit the library. It arrived to my house and obviously was tried out as soon as the package was ripped open!   From that moment I knew I wanted one of my own. I hadContinue reading "Soul Meh Dai"

Soul Bags and Sustainability

I recently received a Suma toddler full buckle from Soul Slings. When looking at the description of it on their website it describes this beautiful hand block printed carrier, as well as all their other carriers as possibly showing "colour variations, loose threads, tiny slubs, snags or unevenness that are characteristic of natural fibre textiles. TheseContinue reading "Soul Bags and Sustainability"

Review: Jacq & Rose Tri Tanote Teal

Back when the weather was colder and wetter.....Oh wait. No. Back when the weather was colder........Nope still not right. Back in November 2016 when the weather was much like it is now, I had the pleasure of hosting Tri Tanote Teal by Jacq and Rose. In my new "just write and let the words come" phaseContinue reading "Review: Jacq & Rose Tri Tanote Teal"

Sycha Slings Retrobots review

I recently played host to Sycha Slings Retrobots Spring Sky. Part of her affordable Main Line range (with a percentage going to charity) this 100% organic all cotton wrap has a weight of 235gsm and is 75cm wide. I was already aware of the lovely maker from her Facebook page Sling Sally so I wasContinue reading "Sycha Slings Retrobots review"

Ruck n Roll Handwovens Sparkly Artemis Review

We are lucky enough to have some amazing handwoven wrap makers in the UK. One of those is Jo-anne from Ruck n Roll Handwovens. And I was lucky enough to have the amazing Sparkly Artemis here for a few days and wanted to tell everyone about just how good it is. The Arrival It arrived just inContinue reading "Ruck n Roll Handwovens Sparkly Artemis Review"

The Salford Sling and Meet origin story. 

Our Story So where did Salford Sling and Meet come from? In early January 2015 I was chatting to Sam in the Vine cafe at a regular Friday parents coffee group. She said she had been talking to one of the mums about revamping the small sling meet that said mum, Michelle ran and turningContinue reading "The Salford Sling and Meet origin story. "

Review of Barbarian by Coco-N

I've never reviewed a wrap before. I know a lot of wrap lingo - weave, bounce, cush, stretch, picky etc. - and even what most of the words mean. Sometimes I even use them in the correct context (self high five!) but generally I worry that I will use them wrong and seem foolish. ButContinue reading "Review of Barbarian by Coco-N"

Unwrapping a wrap

I've never owned an Ali Dover. I have tried and loved several but don't have one to call my own (yet). On release day I tried for Sweet for my amazing friend while others tried to get a Steel for our library. We were all unsuccessful. When I managed to grab one of the cancellationsContinue reading "Unwrapping a wrap"

Why I started baby wearing

“So Twins!” WHAT?!!!!! After experiencing some cramps at about 7 weeks and being a very nervous person (and incredibly impatient) we decided to go for a private scan at 8 weeks.  As the sonographer swept across my stomach and showed us our beautiful baby with it’s amazing heart beat me and Saul turned to eachContinue reading "Why I started baby wearing"